Techno Module Designer - Version History

All our upgrades and fixes

Version 2.1.8

                - Price List Update: Adjusted the displayed prices to reflect those valid from January 2025.
- License Request Enhancement: Added an online license request option for cases where manual activation code entry fails.
- Crash Fix: Resolved an issue causing crashes when designing wall-mounted panels with doors of varying widths.
- Positioning Improvements:
  - Corrected the alignment of bottom panel covers.
  - Fixed positioning issues with manually designed crossbars.
  - Made minor adjustments to the placement of several items.
- 3D View Enhancements:
- Enabled transparency for polycarbonate items.
- Included a Settings option to use textured painted plinths. Smooth plinths are regarded as legacy plinths.
- Added multiple missing 3D and 2D assets.
- Database Updates: Applied various updates to improve database content.
- New Door Option: Introduced a "Door with Swing Handle" selection in the door properties window.
- User Interface Refinements: Addressed minor UI inconsistencies.
- Plug and Play Chamber Fixes: Corrected mixed unit issues within the Plug and Play Reloaded chamber.
 - CMW Profile Addition: Added missing CMW profiles, including Circuit Plate design elements.
 - COVP Inclusion: Made COVP available as an item option for plug-in units.
 - Regional Default: Set alu-zinc items as the default option for Norwegian customers.
 - Cable Chamber Addition: Enabled the inclusion of a Cable Chamber at the rear of the panel.
 - Performance Optimization: Improved internal performance for enhanced functionality.


Version 2.1.6

                - Fixed a crash that would occur when deleting panels from a project before their generation.
- Included several fixes for busbar system availability and busbar generation.
- Included several missing 3D and 2D assets.
- Included holder arrangement for 6300A droppers.
- Fixed generation for ACM and ACB mounting options.
- Fixes for Cable Boxes selection.
- Fixed the creation of Danish Standard metering compartments.
- Fixed the problem that could cause some Norwegian order numbers be missing from the BOM.
- Fixed the selection of front item for Cable Chambers.
- Fixed the error that would cause Motherboards to be created at the same time as Plug Plates.
- Updated Excel BOM template.
- Included the mechanical door stay.
- Removed busbar system for 1288A.
- Fixed the controls to add incoming plugs for 300 hight withdrawable units.
- Implemented several performance enhancements.

Version 2.1.4

                - Fixed a crash that would occur when designing wall mounted panels.
- Fixed update notifications.
- Fixed an error which could cause missing covers and crossbars on the last section of the panel.
- Fixed an issue that would cause some graphics cards not to be recognized.
- Included Plug and Power Reloaded busbars on the General Arrangement drawing.
- Removed obsolete 3D files from application.
- Corrected 3D files for AFBPL and DWSTHD items.
- Implemented several fixes for Plug and Power Reloaded tools.
- Renamed Bill of Materials dialog "Reload" button as "Refresh".
- Fixed an error in user contact update and addition.
- Included an option to send application failures to TMD support team.
- Improved Blocks saving mechanism.
- Fixed an error in component test reference report printing.
- Added several busbar holder 2D resources.
- Fixed issues related to busbar and holder system not being available.
- Miscellaneous database updates and corrections.
- Changed design view buttons to be shown horizontally below the design areas.
- Updated pricelists for Norway, United Kingdom, and Copper items.
- Fixed the position of the AFBPL and CMW items in 3D.
- Fixed cable boxes selection.
- Included Plug and Power items on a new visibility layer for hiding and showing them on a convenient way.
- Fixed the plinth color on the side view in the 2D drawings.
- Fixed the quantity of MBPP items set in the BOM.
- Removed some extra crossbars that would be created in some cases on single depth panels.
- Miscellaneous typographic error fixes.
- Updated ILC order numbers.

Version 2.1.2

                - Implemented several fixes for Plug and Power Reloaded tools.
- Included various missing 3D files and corrected miscellaneous errors on some existing files.
- Fixed an error that would cause incorrect total assembly time, and updated assembly times in the database.
- Included missing Plug and Power Reloaded items.
- Fixed an error that would cause wall mounted brackets to be skipped during panel generation.
- Included missing DIN and Breakers inserts.
- Included different types of 2mm doors.
- Cleaned up and reordered the design elements toolbar.
- Included support for Norwegian order numbers.
- Fixed deletion of 3D items for multi-panel projects.
- Corrected an error related to PE bar insulation types.
- Updated USD pricelist.
- Fixed and error that could cause panel name changes in multi-panel projects.
- Removed discontinued items from the database (Note: This might affect older projects)

Version 2.1.0

                - Included full support Plug and Power Reloaded.
- Updated price lists valid from January 1st, 2024.
- Fixed generation errors for L, U, Back to Back and variable depth panels.
- Miscellaneous database, 3D and 2D files updates and corrections.
- Fixed panel framing in 2D view.

Version 2.0.4

                - Updated UK, NOK prices.
- Added HDSU.
- Fixed an error that could cause a crash when exporting step files without specifying the name of the file.
- Fixed position for ACB support rails.
- Fixed paper orientation for 2D export to PDF.
- Fixed BLFP availability for V1 panels.
- Included FIP 16 and fixed 3D files for FIP and FIP V2 items.
- Included fixes for locks selection.
- Included 300 deep TM panels.
- Fixed MAB holders 3D blocks.
- Included option to create TML panels for ratings between 1000A and 1600A.
- Fixed an error that prevented the creation of DSMC items.
- Fixed an error that could cause a crash when increasing the quantity of a new panel.
- Included EGPA items.
- Updated position of several items in 3D and included new assets.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when creating new projects or opening saved files for a second time.
- Enabled color selection for Cable Holders.
- Fixed errors for the number of MBPP items being added to the panel.
- Fixed errors that would cause extra crossbars creation for some busbar arrangements.
- Adjusted the position of brackets and rails for mounting plates.
- Included missing fishplates.
- Introduced buttons to display back, left, and bottom 3D views.
- Blocked 3D redrawing during generation to improve performance.
- Enabled Mounting plate filler profiles option for V1 and V2.
- Updated product database to include new non-standard items.
- Fixed chimneys selection error.
- Fixed an error with OMH-3 holders on top position.
- Discontinued plastic DIN inserts.
- Fixed error that caused extra BHA generation.
. Fixed extra crossbar generation related to busbar holders support.
- Fixed UL crossbars generation.
- Included missing 3D assets for MABHT, MABN-1 and SPFTMP items.
- Modified the progress reported while generating panels.
- Included number of meters for MCFO items.

Version 2.0.2

                - Updated Norwegian and Australian pricelists.
- Included missing 3D and 2D resource files.
- Miscellaneous database updates.
- Correction for Mounting brackets.
- Corrected 3D files which showed yellow lines.
- Fixed several errors in busbar availability.
- Fixed a crash related to crossbars creation.
- Fixed an error with 3D items manipulation for linked panels (L, U, T, B2B).
- Fixed back crossbar creation for ASC.
- Fixed EGP 4.8 generation.
- Fixed a crash related to door locks creation.
- Fixed and error with the display of text annotations.
- Fixed an issue which would prevent accessories from being added to the BOM.
- Fixed an error with the creation of Adjustable Plinth Frame Corners.
- Included incompatibility warnings for some UBH and MAB configurations.

Version 2.0.0

                - Introduction of .dxf and .step export capabilities
- Initial support for Plug and Power Reloaded
- Introduced "Show edges" feature.
- Implemented "Show dimensions" feature.
- Implemented "Item duplication" in 3D.
- Implemented dual plinth Back to Back panels
- Implemented possibility to design U shaped panels.
- Implemented panels with different depths.
- Implemented option to add a single panel multiple times to the BOM
- Dropped support for 32bits processors.
- Mayor database clean-up and updates.
- Mayor 2D/3D resources update.
- Included option to hide/display units text in 2D view.
- Implemented support for high resolution screens.
- Mayor internal libraries update.
- Implemented V2 corners and corner bars by default.
- Implemented item grouping by panel in project BOM.
- Increased maximum Busbars rating to 1600 for TML.
- Changed color highlight to green in 3D view.

Version 1.5.30

                - Updated Norwegian price lists.

Version 1.5.28

                - Updated price lists.

Version 1.5.26

                - Fixed errors in Instant Panel and Instant Panel light generation.
- Fixed BOM to display the grand total price for CIS currency.
- Included fixes for the creation of selected crossbars around covers designed in the back.

Version 1.5.24

                - Fixed issues with missing crossbars on the sides of the panel.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when creating crossbars for some transport sections.
- Included price updates valid from Jan 1st 2023.
- Text BOM is now exported as CSV instead of TXT.
- Fixed issues with the creation of separation plates and other types included in the SP tool.
- Implemented option to use version 2 corners and corner bars.
- Fixed layer visibility for ESD design elements.
- Removed links to copy the activation request directly to gmail and outlook.
- Fixed generation issues with the Busbar structure configuration options.
- Fixed ACM 12.4 3d file.
- Database updates.
- Included missing busbar selection options.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when generating V2 corners in unavailable colors.
- Fixed a problem that could cause properties windows to disappear when changing secondary monitors.
- Fixed errors which created collisions between corner bars and crossbars supporting busbar holders.
- Introduced price alteration (discount/increase) controls in BOM dialog.
- Removed incorrect options presented in the application settings dialog.
- Fixed a problem with the selection of crossbars around separation plates.

Version 1.5.22

                - Fixed an issue which would cause design elements to appear as if they crossed to different transport sections.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when loading files from previous versions.
- Gave rotation capabilities to FTM.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when including manual crossbars with covers on the sides.
- Fixed BHU 3D items not being displayed.

Version 1.5.20

                - Included price update for Australian market.
- Fixed a crash that would occur at generation when a busbar chamber was crossing transport sections.
- Changed default behavior of ESD to be pure internal items. External doors can still be added as an option.
- Updated ESD order numbers.
- Replaced previous lifting eyes for the current LE 4.
- Updated Busbar Holder order numbers.
- Fixes for V1 chimneys.
- Included EGP 3mm.
- Included missing BLFP 3D models.
- Fixed the creation of back crossbars for separation plates.
- Fixed CGF data and 3d models.
- Miscellaneous database fixes and updates.​

Version 1.5.18

                - Included price update for Norwegian market.​

Version 1.5.16

                - Included price update from June 1st. 
- Updated available EGP items in the database.
- CCG items can now be rotated.​

Version 1.5.14

                - Included price update valid from March 1st. 
- Fix for FTM compartment creation issues.
- Fix for version number check fails when loading old saved files.
- Updated database to identify more Copper/Aluminum items.
- Minor miscelaneous performance issues fixed.​

Version 1.5.12

                - Fixed missing project reference number in Excel exported BOM.
- Copper/Aluminum items are now presented in a separate section in the Excel BOM.
- Included new DW, DOHD and DWSH items.
- Updated the pricelist.
- Removed discontinued items.
- Fixed an error in auto filling of flipped Chassis Profile elements.​

Version 1.5.10

                - Installer bug fixes
- Price list corrections.
- Included DWSTHD.
- Fixes for HSP and RUP positioning.
- Fixes for Doors order number selection (removed accidental selection of XXXXX-YY order numbers).
- Fixes for ESD color selection. Now it is possible to select white items (default) or to match panel color when available.
- Fixes for extended crossbar creation when they can be selected around items (MP, SP, etc)
- Updated discontinued items in database.
- Changes for door cable holder positioning.​

Version 1.5.8

                - Integrated the IGP creation tool into the Separation Plates tool.
- Changed the order in which the fill options for chassis profiles are presented.
- Fixed a crash that would occur during 3D item selection.
- Included width and depth profiles as support options for Mounting Plates.
- Enabled use of 100mm covers.
- Implemented option for the creation of crossbars around Internal Gland Plates.
- Included option to allow creation of several ESD behind a single front door.
- Implemented a new option to allow selecting wall mounting brackets for non-wall mounted panels (as anchor to the wall).​

Version 1.5.6

                - Fixed database error for VSP items.
- Fixed database issue for HSP items.
- Updated selection tables for busbar holders.
- Included missing prices for non-standard items.
- Fixed an Execel BOM error which caused N/A to appear in item descriptions.
- Corrected the field No. of Poles to No. of Bars in Excel BOM.
- Removed customized items included in the database by mistake.
- Incremented the Y axis limit for the 2D design area in Top and Bottom views.

Version 1.5.4

                - Included Price update for March 25th 2021.
- Changed "Droppers" name to "Vertical Busbar"
- Fixed 25mm profile for fully withdrawable units misalignment in 3D.
- Included Box and 19" items as accessories for price calculation.
- Disabled selection of supporting brackets for 200mm wide plinths.
- Included extra support for double height plinths.
- Included missing option to add HSP for crossbars on panels IP43 or lower.
- Removed empty options from Busbar selection dialog depending on orientation.
- Included GPM items.
- Fixed accessories initial display.
- Fixed wrong color for heavy duty mp
- Updated number of units per order number for cable clips and locks.
- Implemented 3D item highlight from BOM.
- Country selection in Project Properties is now done via a combo box.
- Included UL items in Database.
- Removed discontinued items.
- Default form factor for Instant Panel and Instant Panel Light is now Form 1
- Included HTVC 6.6-5 and 3.3-6 items
- Implemented a cooldown period between license requests.
- Fixed several busbar and busbar support related issues.
- Removed busbar holders specific for AL bars.
- Fixed issue with FTM order numbers
- Fixed position for MP 6.4
- Enabled installation of MPs up to the back of the busbar chamber.

Version 1.5.2

                - Implemented Door Stay canges to comply with CM.
- Included fixes for AFBPL installed with Covers.
- Centered the GA drawings on print area.
- Implemented SMDI and SMFP inserts.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when selecting items in 3D view.
- Improved the error message presented when using special characters in the project name.
- Fixes to the installer in order to deal with existing previous installations.
- Included Project and Panel properties in the log.
- Updated busbar holders according to CM 10.
- Updated prices according to December 2020 list.

Version 1.5.0

                - Implemented a new online installer which allows us to distribute partial updates and speed up the release cycle.
- Fixed a crash related to the copy/paste of cover design elements.
- Updated door locks creation to comply with CM updates.
- Limited the addition of Cable Boxes to the size of the compartment to which is attached.
- Panels are now autosaved before generation.
- Improvements in actions logging.
- Implemented creation of FTMPP items.
- Implemented selection of complete FTC units.
- Database updates and fixes.
- Updated maximum IP rating for all product families.
- Fixed design elements position when imported from a saved block.
- Group context menu now displays the list of included items and their context menu can be accessed through that list.
- Users can now set their preferred autosave interval in the settings dialog.
- Saving a previously loaded file now updates the version stored on the file. This prevents the notification about opening an old file from popping up every 
time the file is open. - Fixed an error which prevented the manual addition of items on the exported Excel BOM. - Disabled context menu items addition when there are no available options to be added. - IGP design elements in the bottom of the panels are now marked as invalid if the IP rating of the enclosure is higher than IP2X. - Fixed error in LE and Wall Mounting Brackets addition. - Implemented a general arrangement customization dialog to allow users to define the strings they want to print on their drawings. - Fixed a loading error that would happen when double clicking a file to open it. - Reenabled the export of the quotation template in the exported Excel BOM. - Fixed misposition of the busbar holders for insulated copper. - Saved files which include discontinued items can now be open and load those items for legacy reasons.

Version 1.4.2

                NOTE: Starting with this release all odd number versions will be for internal testing (e.g. 1.4.1) and general releases will be even numbered (e.g. 1.4.2).
- Enabled the creation of chassis profile items as internal without automatic door addition.
- Implemented tools for SPFTM and LVBRH items.
- Implemented a feature to create error reports after a crash.
- Autosave time was shortened to 30 seconds.
- Implemented logging of actions for debugging purposes.
- Implemented a new design element for the 19" Rails.
- Enabled printer selection for BOM.
- Enabled VBO for non Nvidia video cards.
- Implemented batch movement of desing elements in the vertical direction.
- Removed unavailable items from database.
- Fixed several errors on 2D and 3D item representations.
- Implemented several validation and error notifications for license request.
- Fixed a problem with initial properties selection for L shape sections.
- Implemented fixes for AFSP.
- Implemented MCNS meter compartments.
- We now prevent the usage of special characters in project or panel names.
- Removed Quotation page from the exported BOM in Excel format.
- Fixed the creation of supporting crossbars for MPV2.
- Included Form 2 Rails for Motherboard.
- Updated database to include new CM10 items.
- Included more FTC compartment sizes.
- Included Chimney for Arc items and fixed color selection.
- Removed discontinued items from Database.
- Fixed crossbar creation in the bottom of wall mounted panels.
- Fixed a crash that would happen when an item was deleted while being moved.
- Included V3 COVHD and HSP items.
- Improved filling of PnP chamber when dropping PnP units on top of it.
- Restricted HSP selection according to IP code of the panel.
- Included new insert for breaker and FTM items.
- Solved issues in BOM for the australian market.
- Included stainless steel items (plates, crossbars and corner bars).
- Included new door stabilizers.
- Included new L shape kits.
- Included new corner bar sizes.
- Fixed descriptions in exported BOMs.
- Fixed the error when saving a file containing L shaped panels.
- Included several new items in the application database,
- Included new HSP with crossbars for higer IP ratirng protection
- Updated price lists for new items.
- Disabled several discontinued items.
- Fixed a the size of crossbars created around MCEs on the bottom.
- Included improvements to the design elements validation process.
- Corrected order numbers for availabe AlZn FTCs.
- Included missing 3D files for FTCs. Known issue: there is an error in FTC 4.3.3 3D file.
- Limited the horizontal size of the panel and included a warning when the limit has been exceeded.
- Reenabled electrical components rotation.
- Updated database to completely match CM section 1 up to march 2020.
- Included connection items selection tools for FTM, FTC, Super Flex inserts and mounting plates design elements.
- Implemented window resizing for property dialogs for cases where the dialog was larger than the available screen size.
- Fixed the movement of grouped design elements when the final position was below 0 height.
- Updated several design element properties to include a scroll bar for small windows.
- Implemented copper and brass bar selection for chassis profiles.
- Restricted chassis profile design elements to avoid drawing doors in front of them. Now the door is selected as a property (it comes by default) of the 
chassis profile chamber. - Updated the component test references database. - Removed the Quotation template from the exported BOM excel file.

Version 1.4.0

                - Changed panel description in excel BOM to include the panel size. Ref no. is now the panel name given in the properties.
- Included 2mm V3 doors.
- Included an option to use Stainless Steel bars as support for the busbar holders when possible.
- Corrected various errors in the items database.
- Set the the correct display order for louvre separation plates so they are presented behind front items.
- Fixed a crash caused by printing the FTM6.2 2D file.
- Implemented copy/paste capability between different panels in a single project.
- Window position is now reset if it was placed on an unavailable screen (example in case, a laptop which has been disconnected from external monitors)
- Included new MCFO items.
- Included a new option to allow blank front plates without front door.
- Revisited and implemented V3 door locks selection.
- Enabled inclusion of covers with glands at the bottom of wall mounted panels.
- Implemented Brush Gland plates and proper width glands for gland frame with slider.
- Included new small height PnP chambers.
- Included construction tips for BRS50 items.
- Implemented online activation request for new licenses.
- Fixed an error on the loading of available spacers when used as H to V busbar connections.
- Availability of new versions is now checked before checking if TMD has a valid license.
- Implemented L shaped panels. 
NOTE: Saved files which contain L shaped panels will require to reset the connected panel upon loading or will show property errors. This issue is being corrected. - Fixed the selection criteria for fully withdrawable units. - Implemented the capability to automatically fill a chassis profile chamber with any insert from the available selection. - Updated items weight in the application database. - Simplified user interface for TMD activation. - Implemented autofill of container for Chassis profiles and PnP chambers using different units and inserts. - Fixed the 2D visualization of DIN inserts. - Made DB updates to create proper 600 mm height FWCPDI items. - Fixed an application crash that could happen when loading PnP items from saved files. - Implemented color selection for insert for breakers. - Fixed error when creating blank front plates for chassis profiles which would only create seal type plates. - Included new order numbers for DW. - Enabled BHAI Holders for insulated copper bars. - Fixed the 2D representation for Super Flex Inserts and Cable Holder design elements. - Fixed a problem which could cause extra crossbars generation when using MAB holders. - Included new cornerbars for sizes not multiple of 200mm.

Version 1.3.5

                    - Included a new warning message when the user selects a structure configuration different to tested structures.
- Included the option to add arc protection plates under external covers.
- Included BAPL items as an option for FTCs.
- Fixed color selection for chassis profile inserts.
- Fixed loading of IP rating.
- Addition of PAK no longer requires full regeneration of the panel.
- Included new shortcuts to export selection as block (ctrl+e) and import block (ctrl+i)
- Implemented a new application option to prevent auto generation when saved files are loaded.
- Implemented a new tool to create cable holders arrangement as mounting surfaces.
- Prevented creation of unnecessary crossbars for some specific structure arrangements.
- Included fixes for some bus bar chamber configurations which could cause the application to crash.
- Included fixes for problems with the Meter Compartment selection.
- Implemented a new system to set and use default properties for design elements and remember user preferences.
- Fixed the GA printout in order to appropiately display front items and internal items in elements which automatically include both types od items 
(example: FTC+DO, Open chassis profiles). - Included V3 in the version compatibility list for large covers. - Fixed the loading of crossbar properties from saved files. - Implemented a new method of displaying construction tips related with items included in the panel. - Included a new property to add a variable number of flexible conduits associated with door properties. - Included a new warning to be displayed when a given item size is not available for automatic inclusion in sides, top or back of the panel. - Fixed problem which caused errors while opening old files with EGP and IGP. - Improved handling and visibility of error pop up messages. - Replaced bottom view by top view in the external layer print outs. - Updated the Heavy Duty MP to its new designation MP V2 3mm. - Fixed layer placement for EGP items. - Fixed 2D representation according to visible layers for FTC items. - Included error messages for various design elements. - Included some missing 3D files. - Updated database to reflect July-19 CM changes. - Fixed an error when including mounting plate brackets for instant panel light. - Fixed creation of some IGP on 3D.

Version 1.3.4

                - Implemented new PE bar positions.
- Power dissipation across the enclusure calculation can now be exported to excel format.
- Text annotations are now place in the design area in the position where the user clicks.
- Improved visibility of text in electrical components.
- Normalized text lables to provide a more presentable printout of the general arrangement.
- Snap distance is set to 25mm now when an electrical component is added in order to help placing it.
- Included a new customizable text label for all design elements in 2D.
- Implemented a new Image annotation tool to allow the inclusion of SVG drawings in the 2D design.
- Fixed the loading of default 2D drawings for design elements.
- Disabled empty properties dialog for frame supporter design elements.
- Included Heavy duty plinth profiles 2400.
- Cleared some discontinued items from the database.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when two main busbars were overlaping with a dropper.
- Included FTCX.X.5 items on the database.
- Fixed errors with version selection for cable boxes.
- We now allow edit of power loss values directly in the disipated power calculation dialog.
- Enabled EGP items for the bottom of wall mounted panels.
- Included Adjustable plinth corners
- Implemented layer selection for Annotation tools to control in which layout are they printed.
- Removed slow code to handle item validation highlighting.
- Implemented controls to edit component power losses.
- Implemented fixes for power disipation through the enclosure.
- Implemented Volumetric flow calculation for the forced ventilation required do control temperature rise inside the panel.
- Implemented manual power losses input for power disipation calculation.
- Included busbar system for old removable units.
- Fixes for missing crossbars problems reported by users.
- Implemented selection for 5mm thick EGPs
- Updated locks selection and order numbers.
- Included missing items available in the latest CM update.
- Implemented plinth frame supporting bracket for movable plinths.
- Included more internal gland plates.
- Included bush gland plates.
- Fixes for the accesories pricing in the BOM.
- Included CTIN 1250.
- Implemented changes on the excel BOM template.
- Updated prices DB.​

Version 1.3.3

                - Fixed errors in part numbers for FTC items in AUS currency.
- First implementation of text annotations layer assignment. 
- Removed error handling code that could kill the application under some conditions.

Version 1.3.2

                - Included a tool to add AFBPL items.
- Fixed several issues in structure generation.
- Fixed creation of extra crossbars fue to CGF items.
- Fixed issue with PE bars which would cause issues on the BOM.
- Fixed position for CTIN 3D blocks.
- Included price lists from January.
- Fixed version availability for COVs.
- Fixed database entries for DOHDs.
- Included missing V2 doors.
- Included color selection for MCFO and included missing items.
- Set default panel version as V3.
- Minor performance improvements.
- Removed restriction to allow selection of lifting eyes along clamping brackets.
- Fixed a rotation error on mounting plates.
- Updated order numbers for FTCs
- Added back plates for FTCs.

Version 1.3.1

                - Fixed a crash that could occur when generating some bus bar chambers.
- Fixes for IP filtering for some items.
- Included option to filter for IP41.
- Fixed structure problem.
- Fixed 3D blocks for PHA MCFO and DMFC.
- Included UBHR holders.
- Included item type DSS.
- Fixed miscelaneous DB issues.
- Fixed FC creation for AlZn items.
- Fixed 2D blocks for DO 6.6.
- Included a new entry in the country list to separate Northern Ireland from Great Britain for improved license granularity.
- Included new Door Stabilizers and fixed order numbers for Doors with Stabilizers.
- Fixed version information for ILC and ULC
- Fixed 3D blocks for chassis profiles.
- Updated Items descriptions according to price list.
- Fixed wrong data for Knob Locks.​

Version 1.3.0

                  - Updated items database in order to comply with Constructor's Manual Version 9.
- Implemented new options to incorporate new items from CM9.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while copy-pasting PnP units.
- Fixed a crash caused by text annotation tools.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when adding cable boxes to vertical separation plates in for 4b panels.
- Fixed a problem which would include extra items in the BOM if the "Add accessories" dialog was used more than once.
- Fixed positioning errors for some busbar arrangements
- Implemented front and back position for droppers in longitudinal position.
- Fixed and error by which flipped doors next to PnP chamber would be included as contained in the PnP chamber.
- Fixed various 3D model issues.
- Fixed various missing prices issues.
- Implemented several structural fixes.
- TMD now defaults to AlZn items.
- Implemented an users defaults definition button in the panel properties dialog.
- It is now possible to check for updates manually from the welcome window.
- Items in BOM with prices missing are now highlighted.
- Fixed an issue by which the crossbars to support SPs would not be saved.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

Version 1.2.2

                - Fixed an error which could cause a crash with text annotations.
- Included PnP chamber droppers in busbar arrangement 2D drawings.
- Fixed error when loading flexibars from saved file.
- Re-introduced the discount level on the excel exported BOM.
- Disabled Elsteel+Electric tools until the inclusion of pending requirements.
- Fixed the version icompatibility crahes.
- Modification of the temperature rise calculation tool's name to "power disipation" calculation.
- Minor changes to error messages.
- Removed unnecessary contact information included in TMD.

Version 1.2.1

                - Modified the busbar holder reference table according to CM9.
- Fixed an error which would generate duplicated crossbars for BHU holders.
- Fixed some positioning problems on MCE 3D blocks.
- Included busbar information on the Text version of the BOM.
- Electrical components are now filtered according the the availability of test references.
- Included fixes for the process of exporting data to TMRender.
- Forced VSP design elements to have at least one side selected at all times.
- Fixed the generation of doors used as the front of PnP units.
- Fixed the 2D view printing of flipped doors.
- Fixed an error with some crossbars position on the sides of the PnP chambers.
- Fixed problems with the movement of E+E groups.
- Improved the look of the electrical components selection table.
- Modified the UI style to display disabled menu entries in a clearer way.
- Implemented a warning highlight for PnP units which are not inside a PnP chamber.
- Fixed a crash which could occur when generating a panel with a busbar chamber in the middle of the panel. 
- Fixed loading and displaying of PE bars from saved files.
- Implemented defaults storage for panel properties.
- Fixed an error which prevented printing with an user's logo.
- Fixed error for printing 3D views.
- Fixed default orientation of the axes in 3D view which caused the quick views to show the wrong side of the panels.
- Fixed some ommisions in the prices list (Flat covers).
- Included fixes for the number of locks included with V2 doors.
- Included a new option to calculate prices with a markup at the bom dialog.
- Fixed errors on 3D files.
- Fixed an error that could cause creation of duplicate items when saving some projects.
- Database corrections.
- Included total weight and assembly time to BOM dialog.
- Re-enabled undo/redo commands.

Version 1.2.0

                  - Fixed invalid prices for items which are not on our current price list.
- Secondary mouse button now displays a list of superimposed design elements to allow for easier selection and modification.
- Included a hotkey to open the properties dialog for the seleccted design element.
- Removed the "experimental" label for automatic separation.
- We now create busbar supports based only on the max distance defined for each holder. It is the user's responsibility to remove or move the holder's 
position in case the support lies on a busbar-dropper connection. - Included the new type of heavy duty plinths. - Fixes for the compartment size calculation for Elsteel+Electric design elements. - Included Temperature Rise calculations - Included BBCL items into the database. - Included a warning to display if any item could not be created during panel generation. - Included Temperature Rise calculations. - Removed unused data forms. - Implemented internal changes to improve performance and adjust to higher resolution screens. - Included support to print multi-panel projects. - Included a preview of the block saving/loading feature. - Included new DRU items. - Included missing accesories for standard doors in PnP sections. - Fixed an error which would make some buttons unreachable in the 3D photos list. - Removed extra items which were being created by error in some configurations (PAK and some COVs). - Included a new option for Busbar Chambers with compartments both above and below them. - It is now possible to design panels with transport sections of different heights. - 3D blocks for DW items now have an empty window. - Fixed cleanup after deleting a panel from a multi-panel project. - Included a message to inform about saved files from old versions and the advantages of panel regeneration. - Fixed an issue with ASC items description and included ASC10 (3D item still missing) - Implemented a sectioning tool to insert cutting planes in 3D view. - Changed the BOM dialog to better explain the Price marging/discount tool. - Fixed crossbar conflicts in some specific build configurations. - Implemented a new feature to move all design elements after the mouse position a given distance either left or right. - Included the capability to select different design elements from a stack. - Modified the tooltips for the BOMs buttons in the toolbars.. - Included options to zoom to full panel width and full panel height to help with navigation on the 2D view. - Printed drawings now include the items designed in the top. - Changed the IP rating to "-" in the exported drawings whe the IP of the panel is set to no-filter. - Fixed 3D block for MPV2 6.6 - Doors in front of PnP units now respect their selected type. - Fixed MCE display errors and included validation based on available sizes. - Introduced FIP V2 and made them default when the mounting plates are MPV2. - Removed DB2 text from tool names. - Miscelaneous resources (3D, 2D and images) fixes.

Version 1.1.8

                  - Changed the creation of chassis profile inserts in order to allow blank frontplates in front of other inserts.
- Corrected some order numbers in the database which were failing for australian customers.
- Cleanup of 3D and 2D resources for several items in our database.
- Fixed 3D block for MPV2 6.6.
- Corrected DIDB 3D blocks.
- Fixed some FTC 300 deep 3D resources.
- Fixed 3D block for AMDB 4.20.
- Corrected the MPV2 installation option to use V2 brackets when using depth profiles.
- Corrected MP miscelaneous issues.
- Restricted Norwegian light option to be available only for Light panels.
- Fixed the default plinnth option for TML panels 400 deep.
- Fixed MCE creation.
- Added Palestine to the country list.
- Included an option to add horizontal crossbars when installing Mounting Plates with cable holders.
- Corrected size in description for item number 16164: cover with cable glands
- Corrected size check for ACBs in 400 depth components. Now it is possible to generate the panel when the ACB is installed on a 400 depth compartment.
- Modified the warning message which appears when adding a door in front of RUPs
- Fixed the layer in which the BLFP+DO is printed in 2D.
- Fixed the layer in which manually added crossbars are printed in 2D.
- Fixed the the issue by which items would remain selected when changing the active view.
- Fixed the error message displayed when an design element crosses to a different transport section. 
- Fixed a problem with zooming synchronization between views. 
- Fixed and error with IP55 gland plates added to Cable Gland Frames.
- Fixed generation of crossbars to support MAB busbar holders.
- Implemented manipulators to resize side and longitudinal SPs.
- Implemented a crossbar ring option around the MCEs.
- Improved the error message for the cases where a given unit can't be fit into a container.
- Implemented a text-only simple bom export option.	
- Fixed crossbar creation for separation plates in the bottom view.
- Included a button in the main toobar to add a new panel.
- Fixed the 2D representation of flipped DWs.
- Din inserts will match the panel color by default if the item is available or in white otherwise.
- Fixed the Z order for the AMDB, FMDB and BFDB items.
- Changed the modify do/cov tool to affect the whole panel at once.

Version 1.1.7

                  - Fixed structural errors for busbar chambers smaller than the section direclty above them.
- Fixed and error on fishplate creation for aluminum busbars.
- Updated excel BOM template.
- Included fault rating text in Plug and Power busbar selection.
- Included name suggestion for file when exporting to PDF.
- Implemented a new option to obtain a single panel's BOM from a multi-panel project.
- Included a restriction to avoid selection of width profiles as support for version 2 mounting plates.
- Included a restriction to enforce the selection of cable boxes for FTC when panel form is 4B.
- Included some missing 2400 high covers.
- Fixed 3D representation of separation plates for FW units when loading saved files.
- Fixed creation of duplicated covers in the back for some specific panels which contained small transport sections.
- Changed the color of X, Y and Z labels in the Item manipulation panel to match the arrow colors from the 3D window.
- Increased the maximum scroll area for the Top/Bottom 2D view in order to deal with very deep panels.
- Implemented and experimental feature to allow simple crossbar creation between top/bottom busbar chambers and central compartments.
- Included a disclaimer to indicate which structure configuration options are user for testing Elsteel panels.
- Reduced time interval for autosave.
- Reduced generation time by up to 60%.
- Fixed orientation of manually added crossbars on the bottom.
- Fixed the creation of unwanted extra crossbar appearing below the panel with some busbar chamber configurations.
- Fixed an error which would casue the back of the panel to be printed instead on the front while printing the default 3D views.
- Electrical components are now printed in the same page as the mounting plates.
- Introduced fixes for item and component filters based on current rating
- Fixed crossbar missplacement when using BHAIN 10 holders.
- Fixed automatic support creation for BAH 4 busbar holders.
- Fixed the camera point of view used to print the front of the panel in 3D.

Version 1.1.6

                  - Implemented a preview of an item collision detector in 3D.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a crash when loading saved files with earth bars.
- Implemented a preview of automatic crossbar generation for mounting plates.
- Added cancel button to the warning about deleting multiple items.
- Fixed a possible crash which might occour when a section failed to recognize its neighoring sections to the left.
- Fixed copy/paste of elements on the back of the panel.
- Open file dialog now remembers the last used location when searching for files.
- TMD main window now displays the version number on the main window's title bar.
- Changed the way some properties are saved in the file. NOTE: please check your BOM if you are opening old files, some options might revert to default properties, 
if that happens please report it to us. - Implemmented the option to zoom to a selected item in 2D. - Implemented new properties for Din Inserts to allow generation of panels with Inserts without doors or several inserts sharing a single front item. - Fixed an issue with the orientation of doors on the left side of panels. - Included some missing pictures of H to V connections. - Included note of confidetiality for Elsteel generated drawings. - Now the project name is given as a proposed name when exporting to PDF format. - Fixed an error which would prevent from printing the BOM direclty from TMD. - Fixed an error caused by internal gland plates designed on the bottom view by which extra crossbars would be generated. - Fixed some positioning error and removed extra crossbars generated when using some busbar holders. - Removed the front/back position selector for droppers. - Fixed issue which would not allow to draw 800 wide DB inserts. - Fixed installer issue which might cause undesired deletion of user preferences. - Fixed the layer on which fish plates reside on 3D. - Regular plinths can be selected for Instan Panel Light if required by the size of the panel. - Fixed an error by which some deleted items would re-appear after generation. - Fixed an error which would case some crossbars on top to be skipped during panel generation for some busbar configurations. - Implemented auto-testing capabilities to catch unforseen issues during development. - Implemented fishplate creation for MAB3 - Elsteel+ Electrical compartment for ACBs now include a PSP in the back when automatic separation is enabled. - Included 3D representation for arc filter separation plates. - Fixed 3D representation for MCEs. - Corrected errors when loading and saving project properties. - Corrected an error which could cause some bottom items not to be saved in a file. - Included FTC items on the Mountung Surfaces layer. - Included some 2400 high covers. - Fixed a crash for aluminum busbars. - Fixed Polish currency acronym. - Moved 2D Zoom in/out buttons to the 2D toolbar. - Fixed maximum curent rating for Techno Module Light - Included a warning when the panel has items which are not on the current price list (legacy items or special items).

Version 1.1.5

                - Fixed a generation issue which caused some items to not be added to the panel.

Version 1.1.4

                - Re-enabled the 3D export tool.
- Fixed an issue which prevent the installer from deleting old preference files by request.
- Fixed position problem for F4HSP and COVWI items.
- Fixed issue which caused some chassis profile inserts to overlap.
- Fixed structural issues which caused crossbars on top to be generated with the wrong layout.
- Implemented a change to clearly display the chimneys for arc option in cover properties.
- Fixed an error which caused some covers to be placed on top of the wrong busbar chamber.
- Fixed an error which caused collisions in crossbars at the bottom of the panel.
- Removed Screwless covers from remaining places.
- Implemented a solution to allow users to skip warning messages when deleting multiple items at once.
- Fixed a crash which could occur when loading files saved with version 0.9 which included PE bars.
- Fixed and issue which caused some 2D drawings to not be printed correctly.

Version 1.1.3

                - Fixed an error by which a multiple selection would be lost when right-clicking on one of its components.
- Fixed Fish plates positioning for some busbar holders and bar sizes.
- Implemented the functionality to display the electrical component test references without generating the panel
- Implemented H to V connector filtering by ampere rating
- Fixed a problem which caused Plug and Power labels to display wrong ratings after continuous copy and paste operations.
- Fixed a crash which might occur when copy and pasting PnP units several times.
- Included tool to create Form 4 Horizontal Separation plates (PnP) manually.
- 25mm profiles (PnP) are now added by default for panels with IP rating higher than 31.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when closing a file and waiting to long to open a new file.
- Enabled Super Flex Inserts to be included without a door in the front.
- Fixed some busbar holder positioning errors.
- Fixed structure creation when a single section contains several rows of compartments side by side.
- Added some missing 3D blocks for insert for Breakers.
- Implemented minor improvements to labels on exported drawings.
- Fixed error on BHA and BHAI positioning.
- Minor text changes on BOM configuration tool.
- Included some missing prices.
- Fixed an error which would add the UL version of DO6.2 to regular panels.
- Fixed and error that would cause duplicate crossbars when manually designing the back of the panel. 
Crossbars on user designed back of the panels follow the standard structure. Any changes needs to be done manually by the user. - Removed a restriction which would force VSPs to be only 400 or 600mm apart. - Fixed an error on 3D view when loading saved files containing electrical components. - Fixed an error on panel re-generation after cancelling previous generation. - Fixed and error on the availability of H to V connections.

Version 1.1.2

                - Fixed the printing of projects with more than one panel
- Fixed the association of contained items and its container after undoing a delete action.
- Fixed the position for several Insert for Breakers 3D blocks.
- Removed 18mm snapping grid option.
- Modified some error messages to provide more meaningful information.
- Fixed an error by which some items with moving parts would appear in the wrong position when loading a panel from a file.
- Fixed an error by which some Insert for Breakers would not be loaded.
- Included an option to install ASC in a side-to-side orientation.
- Implemented the option to work with vertical busbar chambers.
- Fixed an error which caused added accessories not to be displayed in the BOM.
- RUP units with doors are now printed in the front view drawings.
- Updated UL certified item prices.
- Fixed 3D objects for BHAIS and OMH 8-3.
- Updated template for exporting BOM to excel.
- Fixed Busbar and incomer ratings displayed in 2D printed drawings.
- Included an error message when a front element crosses transport section boundaries.
- Fixed an error which would allow design elements to be placed higher than 2400.
- Fixed an error which could cause a crash when creating cable chambers without any neighbours.

Version 1.1.1

                - Fixed a crash caused by busbar systems on UL panels.
- IP55 panels can’t include PnP units any more.
- Enabled Al/Zn option for MCE.
- Fixed the creation of support crossbars for busbar holders.
- Fixed an error which could cause extra busbar holders to be added to a panel.
- Modified the busbar holder selection based on the busbar position. 
- Included more detailed error codes for license decoding issues.
- Removed blue frames from the position pictures in the busbar properties window.
- Cleaned up some warning messages regarding available space for busbars.
- Removed the rotation option for ACB in Elsteel+Electric design elements.
- Removed KSA drawing tool.
- Fixed and error which caused some separation plates to appear on a wrong orientation.
- The dialog to locate and open files manually now only displays TMD files.
- Fixed an error by which resizing a flipped door would reset its rotation.
- Fixed an error with deletion of Elsteel + Electrical groups.
- Included a confirmation request when deleting several items at the same time.
- Fixed an error on the 3D when generating a design with more than one panel in a single project.
- Added a 2000mm height limit for Techno Module Light panels.
- Fixed an error which made the CTI and the MC to appear only on the internal items printed view.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when opening some panes while in the mid of a design.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when generating a malformed panel on a project containing more than one panel.
- Included a missing 3D file for DO8.2 Version 2.

Version 1.1.0

                  - Removed Project name and Customer data from the Open file dialog to increase its loading speed.
- Fixed an error which would display an empty list of recent saved files.
- Included IP54 Plug and Power items.
- 3D models can now remember modifications between panel re-generations.
- Included a button to regenerate the panels from scratch along with a confirmation dialog.
- Fixed available panel sizes with 500 and 300 mm depth options. 
- Fixed and included several 2D and 3D blocks.
- Updated the BOM excel template.
- Fixes for busbars and droppers holders (positions and 2D representations).
- Included new form 2 covers.
- Fixed generation to reflect selections in the BOM configuration tool.
- Fixed crossbar orientations for some structural arrangements.
- Fixed Back/Front position option for droppers.
- Implemented glands for plinth frame light.
- Implemented automatic grid change when glands are selected.
- Fixed several generation crashes.
- Fixed door properties for design elements which include doors other than the DO design element.
- Included several items which are not on current CM.
- Fixes and improvements for the license request dialog.
- Fixed issue which caused some busbar holders to appear in a wrong position under certain configurations.
- Improved automatic door generation for Plug and power removable units.

Version 1.0.3

                  - Included an update notifier.
- Fixed availability for 800 wide inserts for chassis profiles
- Included a disclaimer to remind users about the need to check TMD’s output (drawings and bill of materials)
- Included new quotation format in Excel exports.

Version 1.0.2

                  - Fixed support crossbars for Busbar holders.
- Fixed mail-less activation and included SSL libraries in the installer.
- Fixed busbar positioning problems for several holders.

Version 1.0.1

                  - Fixed a possible crash when adding extra crossbars to support busbar holders.
- Fixed a faulty 3D block (item FMDB 4.30).