Das Versprechen von Elsteel
Elsteel wird ein Ort sein, der von Forschung, Innovation und Experimentierfreude erfüllt ist, im Einklang mit der Absicht, den Planeten zu heilen und zu schützen. Elsteel wird als Vorbild vorangehen und andere Unternehmen und Kunden zu Nachhaltigkeit inspirieren.
„Made at Elsteel“ wird für „gut und grün“ stehen. Teil der Elsteel-Familie zu sein, sei es als Mitarbeiter, Kunde oder Lieferant, bedeutet, voller Stolz unseren Planeten zu schützen und ihm etwas zurückzugeben.
2024 Tree Planting Update
Since teaming up with the amazing Growing Trees Network in late 2022, we've planted a total of 7,749 trees!
Out of these, 5,191 are balsa trees, planted in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Helping to safeguard precious virgin rainforest and support the indigenous Wawazonia tribe. In Denmark, we've donated 2,558 indigenous trees to public forests, promoting biodiversity.

2,500 Balsa Trees
Elsteel teamed up with the Growing Trees Network and the Wawazonia initiative to plant 2,500 Balsa Trees in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Over 5 years our 2,500 trees will offset 200 tons of Co2 emissions and help the local Shuar Tribe protect the Amazon.
Discover more to understand the essential role this project plays in our commitment to power the planet.

Recycled Keys
“The Shredder”, based in Sri Lanka, takes scrap generated during plastic moulding, shreds it and extracts long thin threads. The threads are chopped into pellets that are ready to be formed into non-critical components.
We’ve perfected the process for using the pellets in manufacturing and we’re very excited to announce that all our keys are now 100% recycled – reducing waste in the factory and our impact on the environment.

Techno Honey
Our Factory in Poland is home to one of our lesser-known teams and they’re responsible for our sweetest product! They’re precision engineers with a beautiful modular system, introducing ELBEES!
The bees play an important part to the local environment, so we have installed 3 hives at the factory. The Techno honey is a sweet by product that our staff and clients get to enjoy.

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